Residency at the Ragdale Foundation. November 3 - 16, 2011
Ragdale supports writers and artists in a retreat setting and makes the arts more accessible to the public through three core program areas: the artists' residency programcommunity programs, and preservation of the historic site
One of the unique features of Ragdale is its unbroken continuity as a center for art and creativity. It has been, without interruption, the home of artists. The Shaw family has included two architects a painter, two poets, a sculptor, a cartoonist and a weaver, and now the tradition is carried on by the writers and artists in residence at the Ragdale Foundation. Just as Harriet Monroe, founding editor of Poetry Magazine, Carl Sandburg, and other figures in the Chicago literary renaissance visited early in the century, so today important and promising writers and artists come for brief stays, to work, and sometimes to perform, and they, too, become part of the extended Ragdale Family". Arthur Miller, Lake Forest College, 1990, in the Introduction to Ragdale: A History and Guide by Alice Hayes and Susan Moon.

Finished some good work and started others. Deb Derrickson Kossmann photo

the Barn House where we lived and the writers worked

the back side of the Barn House looking out onto the prairie

sitting room in Barn House looking out onto the prairie

walking to my studio in the prairie
getting closer
The Meadows Studio - I worked in the old Meadows Studio twice before. It has since been torn down and in it's place this new Meadows Studio designed by IIT students. I was extremely lucky to get this wonderful studio to work in - the only one out on the 50 acre prairie.

Open Studio
Sioban Nora Lombardi, Eric Layer, me, Yvette Kaiser Smith, Mairead Case, Sara Schaff 
Jane Fulton Alt photo

Yvette Kaiser Smith photo

Eric Layer, Sara Schaff, Yvette Kaiser Smith, Deb Derrickson Kossmann, Sioban Nora Lomb
Jane Fulton Alt photo

Mairead Case, writer and Jane Fulton Alt, photographer enjoying the studio porch
Yvette Kaiser Smith photo
